KLINGER® is a global leader in the research, development, and manufacturing of flat gaskets. Recognised for its high quality and reliability, KLINGER® provides premium gasket solutions that meet the most demanding industrial requirements. In our laboratory, we test the properties of flat gaskets according to various standards and customer-specific requirements. Additionally, we verify their suitability using EN1591-1 tightness and strength calculations to ensure maximum durability and performance.

In industrial applications, the most common flange gaskets are fibre-based flat gaskets, while PTFE gaskets are widely used in chemical environments. PTFE flat gaskets are highly versatile and help optimise gasket selection. For high-temperature applications, graphite and ceramic mica gaskets are preferred, whereas semi-metallic, metallic, and spiral wound gaskets are used for high-pressure environments.

KLINGER® offers a comprehensive range of flat gaskets, designed to meet the needs of various industries, ensuring reliable sealing performance and long service life.



Discover Our Product Range

High-quality KLINGER® gasket materials for industrial needs

Kysytyimpiä tasotiivistemateriaalejamme ovat ainutlaatuiset KLINGER® top-chem 2000 (PTFE), KLINGER® MLX (grafiitti) ja KLINGER® Quantum (kuitu).

  • KLINGER® top-chem 2000 on ainoa teollisuuskäyttöön soveltuva Fire-Safe-hyväksytty PTFE-tasotiiviste, joka kestää käytännössä ja EN1591-1-laskelmien mukaan jopa yli 200°C lämpötiloja.
  • KLINGER® MLX (grafiitti) täyttää ydinvoimalaatuisen puhtauden vaatimukset ja on TA-Luft-sertifioitu, tarjoten erinomaista tiiveystasoa.
  • KLINGER® Quantum on suunniteltu parantamaan lämmön- ja kemikaalinkestoa hyödyntämällä HNBR-sidosainetta perinteisen NBR:n sijaan. Lisäksi se on FDA-hyväksytty, mikä tekee siitä ihanteellisen moniin teollisuuden käyttökohteisiin.

Klingersil and other KLINGER® materials as reliable choices for maintenance

Some of our most well-known gasket materials include KLINGERSIL® C-4430, commonly referred to in maintenance as “Klingerite”. Additionally, Maxiflex spiral wound gaskets, Sealex sealing tapes, and TopLine packings have established themselves as reliable solutions for maintenance and operational reliability.

Our product range also includes various specialty materials, such as thermal insulation, wear protection, and spray shields, designed to enhance safety in demanding industrial environments.

The high quality and safety of KLINGER® gasket materials are ensured by the ISO 9001 quality management system and the ISO 14001 environmental certification. The entire production process meets and exceeds the industry’s strictest quality standards, guaranteeing superior performance and durability.


Axel Barman

Sales Director

+358 10 400 1561

Anton Heinonen

Sales Manager, Western Finland

+358 10 400 1581

Jani Häkkinen

Sales Manager, Central Finland

+358 10 400 1580

Marko Nikka

Area Sales Manager, Northern Finland

+358 10 400 1583

Johan Immonen

Area Sales Manager, Eastern Finland

+358 10 400 1584

Jaakko Kajava

Area Sales Manager, Southern Finland

+358 10 400 1582

Erno Vaahtera

Training Officer

+358 10 400 1219

Joni Salo

Area Sales Manager, Western Finland

+358 10 400 1587

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