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New Ventus at PacTec trade fair event

PacTec 2022 Logo englanniksi

Packaging professionals will gather at the PacTec event on 18th to 19th of  May 2022 at the Helsinki Messukeskus to review the current state of the industry, innovations and future prospects. KLINGER Finland Oy presents the latest solutions at their stand 6p51, such as the new generation Ventus labeling device.

In our preview, there is a new generation of domestic Ventus labeling equipment that automatically prints and affixes the label to the product, sales package or pallet. Ventus has been designed with usability, safety, physical size and integration into modern automation systems in mind. Ventus is fully compatible with market-leading printing machines such as Zebra, Sato, Honeywell, TSC and CAB.

Our department also has a compact Intrex labeling line suitable for small breweries and the chemical industry, which attaches product labels to bottles and cans quickly and neatly. At the same time, date stamps are printed on the products.

Labeling always generates waste if the backing paper for the label cannot be recycled elsewhere in the industrial process. Our principal Sato has published a label printer that can use the so-called linerless label. There is no backing paper at all on the label roll, and the printer cuts the label tape to the desired length using the integrated cutter. This also allows the label roll to hold more printable space.

We also introduce Domino’s high-speed inkjet printers for 2D codes and batch and date markings, as well as integrated inspection cameras from the same manufacturer.

It is also easy to print color labels yourself. If there are a lot of product titles and production batches are small, it makes more sense to print the desired number of labels yourself rather than ordering them from the printing house on the shelf to expire. Epson Colorworks label printers print labels and tags in color with first-class print quality.

Welcome to find out more about our solutions!

Additional information:

Markku Tilli
Sales Director / Product Marking
mobile: 040 833 9722


Product marking and labels
Our company page on the PacTec event website



Corona hampered motorcycle acceleration races

Jenni Pekkarinen drag race 2021

Drag racing driver Jenni Pekkarinen, sponsored by KLINGER Finland, was able to take part only two Finnish Championship races in season 2021 due to difficulties in delivering new riding equipment. Due to the corona, there were hosted only three Finnish Championship races all together. The races went to get a feel for driving after the previous year’s crash, so unfortunately the season wasn’t what she hoped for. 

Next summer, Pekkarinen has decided to take a break from driving the Finnish Championships and PM series, and he plans to participate in the test days at most occasionally. Uncertainty about the number of races and places to drive has contributed to the decision to take a break from the competition. At this stage, no official competition invitation and registration has been opened in the spring, so the competition schedules and entry fees are uncertain. In addition to this, there will be no European Championships in Finland next summer, which has attracted the best spectators to the competitions every year. There is also uncertainty about the Swedish races due to the change of ownership of the track.

Jenni Pekkarinen would like to thank KLINGER Finland for the cooperation in the current year, as it has enabled her to participate in the Finnish Championships and also made it possible to compete on the Swedish and Norwegian sides. The years spent have accumulated both great memories and experiences and success in the form of awards.

Tarjoamme ratkaisuja etikettipulaasi

KLINGER Finland on merkittävä etikettien toimittaja Suomessa, mutta myös johtava merkintäratkaisujen toimittaja. Pystymme auttamaan asiakkaitamme etikettipulassa tarjoamalla etiketin korvaavia merkintätapoja.

Paperiliiton lakko UPM:n tehtailla on jatkunut jo useamman kuukauden. Lakon vaikutukset alkavat olla kriittiset koko Euroopassa etikettimateriaalipulan vuoksi. Jo ennen lakon alkamista etikettien raaka-aineiden saatavuus oli heikentynyt, toimitusajat olivat venyneet ja hinnat nousseet useaan otteeseen. Etikettien kysyntä on ollut suurempaa kuin koskaan koronapandemian vuoksi. Vallitseva etikettipula on vaarantamassa jopa huoltovarmuutta.

Ratkaisumme vallitsevaan etikettipulaan

Domino V

» Domino V-sarjan kalvokirjoittimet

Kalvokirjoittimia voidaan käyttää kaikissa sovelluksissa missä kalvosta muodostetaan tuotepaketteja tai tuotteita. V-sarjan kirjoittimilla voidaan tulostaa kalvoon joko liikkeessä tai sen ollessa pysähdyksissä. Lämpösiirtotekniikalla suoraan hiilinauhasta kalvoon.

Esim. flowpack-linjat, syvävetolinjat ja muut rullalta purkautuvat kalvokoneet.

Domino CX

» Domino Cx-sarjan mustesuihkut

Cx350 korkearesoluutioisella mustesuihkulla voidaan korvata erittäin näppärästi kartonkilaatikoiden etiketit. 65 mm korkea mustesuihkumerkintä on myös huomattavasti edullisempi ja toimintavarmempi merkintätapa kuin etiketti. Ruskeaan tai vaaleaan kartonkiin huippuvalinta!

Esim. kartonkilaatikon muodostajat, kuljettimet missä liikkuu pahvilaatikoita, manuaaliset merkintälinjat ja tuotantolinjat.

» Domino Ax-sarjan mustesuihku

Jos tarpeena on vain noin 10 mm korkeaa tekstiä, niin Ax-sarjan jatkuvakiertoiset mustesuihkut toimivat materiaalissa kuin materiaalissa. Käyttäjäystävällistä ja helppoa merkintää kaikkiin tuotteisiin.

Esim. pvm-merkinnät, tuotenumerot, yksilöivät numerot jne.  

Ota yhteyttä myyntiimme!